Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm In

Today, against my better judgement, I find myself jumping on the NaBloPoMo band wagon. It's where I (or shall I say "we", you can do this too...) post a blog each day during the month of November.

I did this two years ago (when I was blogging on MySpace) and it was actually quite therapeutic; along with normal, funny, everyday life topics, I was able to journal my thoughts as we struggled through the last days of my grandma's life.

While a part of me is looking forward to this, I must admit that there is a part of me that thinks I'm absolutely crazy. What in the world am I going to write about for 30 days? I honestly don't think I lead that interesting of a life. In fact, maybe I should give out an award at the end for anyone crazy enough to stick with me for a month!

Anyhow, good or bad, I'm in. On Tuesdays, you'll get my lists, on Fridays, you'll get my flashbacks, and in between...who knows? Will I be the best writer on the block? Certainly not. Will I have the funniest stories? No. Will I astound you with amazing ponderables? Doubt it. But I'll share a little piece of me with you every day. Sound like a plan?

Now, I need to get back to my movie. (AC was kind enough to pause it so that I could get this post in by midnight! What a guy!!!) We're in the middle of Live Free or Die Hard. They just got to West Virginia, they're heading up to the fourth floor. They know that the bad guys are there, but heck, we all know that due to Bad Guy Shooting School, McClane and (probably) Farrell will do just fine. I'm reasonably certain that McClane will take a bullet before the end, though.

Anyhow, I guess I'll be chatting with you tomorrow. G'night!


MomOfDudes said...

See you daily!

Amy said...


Crayl said...

I am so glad you are in.

Sorry about the whole barfing thing though, ick.

Thany said...

I am super glad you are doing this. And I added you to my list. :)

As for the barfing? Boo on that.

Sooz said...

Yea, Welcome! I didn't want to do it either, but here I am!