Monday, November 24, 2008

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

It seems like only yesterday that the boys were branching out and watching grown up movies like Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean.

And frankly, it seem like only a few days before that when we were watching things like the Wiggles and VeggieTales.

Tonight, for Family Movie Night, we watched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Sigh. Where did the time go? My boys must really be growing up.


Misty said...

growing up is so great for them, but so sad for us...

MomOfDudes said...

I hear ya in the Tick Tock department, Eric turns 14 tomorrow!!!

I wonder if they might like the newer version of the Count Of Monte Cristo. That is a good action packed one for grown ups...