Monday, November 18, 2013

Living With Smart People

My husband is brilliant, many of you know that.  Seriously, if you're ever planning to be on Millionaire (Is that show even on anymore?), you want him as your lifeline.  He knows something about absolutely everything.  (He always says that he knows just enough to be dangerous.)  He loves to read and think and analyze and ponder super brainy things.  Thankfully, and without much contribution from me, both of our sons have grown up just like him.  Sure, I bring a few things to the table: the ability to completely stress over the most trivial of things, mad organizational skills, and a penchant for baking.  But really, when it comes to smarts, it's all Andy.

Over the years, we've had some interesting conversations around the dinner table.  Dinner time is kind of sacred at our house.  The TV always goes off, most of the time music does too; technology is set aside and we enjoy each other's company.  Of course, with a table of boys, the topics haven't always been prim and proper, but  much of our significant communicating has taken place at the table.  And laughter?  Oh man, some nights it never ends!   

I can handle the gross topics, the mildly (or sometimes not so mildly) inappropriate topics, the silliness, medical issues/questions, life's problems...nothing really phases me.  However, over the last couple of years, Andy and the boys have begun discussing things that are so over my head  (or uninteresting to me) that occasionally I just check out.   Tonight was one of those nights!

It's not that I don't want to be interested in the things that they are interested in, it's just that by the end of the day, I'm usually done.  I don't want to think anymore; I just want to get the dishes done so that I can relax a bit before the craziness of the next day is upon me.   So, I'm not too proud of it, but tonight when Andy and Matthew started discussing multiple universes and the Ontological Argument, I actually picked up my cell phone and started playing Sudoku.  Usually when they get going like that, I just stare off into space and daydream; tonight was the first time that I picked up the phone!

Sigh.  Living with smart people is such a blessing.  But sometimes I just don't feel like I have the energy or the brain power to keep up!

1 comment:

Crayl said...

I get you on this....siiiigh.