Friday, November 8, 2013

Flashback Friday

Today we are flashing back to the visit that we had with our son two weeks ago, where my mister and said son were being awnry.  I adore them, but they do like to (intentionally) get on my nerves. 

Andy told me this morning that this was a dumb idea because two weeks ago isn't far enough back for a Flashback post.  I told him that I don't think there are any specific rules as to the appropriate time frame and since it was indeed in the past, it works.  Besides, it's my blog and I can do what I want.  So there.

I apologize for the very poor quality of these particular photos.  
However, since they capture each of their personalities so perfectly, I had to post them.  

This is what they looked like as they were sitting in our hotel room, watching a football game.

This is what they did, right as I snapped the picture, when I said,
"Sit up and look like you're just two normal dudes watching the game.  I want to get a nice picture."

This is their smug and giggly selves immediately thereafter.

Do you see what I have to put up with???

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