Monday, November 5, 2012

My Civic Duty

In case you've been under a rock somewhere, you are probably aware that tomorrow is Election Day.

Like every good American should, I plan to stop at my polling place on the way to work and cast my ballot.  I must say, I'm a bit annoyed with the whole process though.  In fact, I honestly question why I should bother.

Oh I know, there are the propositions and the various state and local positions to be filled.  In these areas, my voice will be heard.  In fact, the props are quite easy:  if they cost money, I will vote no.  Honestly, the state hasn't instilled in me any confidence that if they have even a dime more, they will use it wisely.  I'm through voluntarily giving them more money.  I don't care whether it's for schools or food labels or anything else aimed at pulling on my heartstrings; I want to keep what's mine.

It's the presidential part that I have a problem with.  Why should I, a conservative in the People's Republic of California, wait in potentially long lines to vote when the outcome (of my state) is a foregone conclusion?  It's ridiculous.  With or without my vote, my state is going to go blue.  I hate that.  I hate the Electoral College and our whole system.

My simplistic brain things that we should go to a popular vote; then each and every vote, across the whole country, would make a difference.  Andy, who is far wiser than I am, tells me that it wouldn't work.  I'm not sure why not, but I generally trust him.  If not the popular vote, is there no other equitable way to elect a president?  There's got to be a better solution out there.  I just need to find it.

1 comment:

Crayl said...

Aaron and I had this same discussion.