Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Words To Live By

Hello! Welcome!

Apparently, as evidenced by the post that you're reading, I've decided to take another stab at NaBloPoMo. In looking back at previous years' posts, I realized that I successfully do this in even numbered years. This being 2011, I shouldn't make any guarantees. However, if you have nothing else to do, and you don't mind hearing stories about my family most of the time, I invite you to join me each day as I diligently work to get something written.

On the off chance that you find yourself with me for the first time, I should probably introduce you to my immediate family; I promise that they'll be referred to often. Andy is my fabulous husband, John is my fifteen year old Junior, and Matthew is my fourteen year old Freshman. There. Now you know everyone.

Today I want to share some advice regarding Halloween. I know that there are 364 days until it rolls around again, but this was imparted to me yesterday and I want to pass it on before I forget.

As we were eating dinner last night, we were discussing that many of the kids who were trick-or-treating seemed too old to be knocking on doors and begging for free candy. John said that one of his teachers had shared his thoughts on that very subject during class that afternoon.

According to Mr. X., there are three questions for a boy to ask himself when trying to decide whether or not to go trick-or-treating:

1. Are you still waiting for your voice to change?

2. Are you unable to drive yourself to the store to buy candy?

3. Do girls have cooties?

If you answered "yes" to all three questions, then it is appropriate for you to dress up and go from door to door. If you answered "no" to even one of them, you're too old.



Crayl said...

Hurray! Spencer wasn't too old yet!

Thany said...

I think next year, I am going to save the stupid Act II Popcorn balls someone in my neighborhood hands out each year and just pelt the "Yes Sayers" with them as they run away screaming from the bitter old lady.

Amy said...

I have three buckets by my door.

If you are clearly still gumming food, and being carried around by a parent, you get a ducky (baby toy):)

If you are taller than me with more facial hair than Daniel, or dressed as some scandalous princess, you get a sticker

then there is the bucket with the candy for everyone else :)