Sunday, November 28, 2010

Back To Reality

"Halloween is over and I missed it!"

Actually, I'm not talking about Halloween and I didn't really miss anything. I should more accurately say, "Thanksgiving Break is over and it went by too quickly!"

It's been so wonderful having John home for a week. No homework, no football, no lifting...just a week of fun, games, movies and relaxation. I think I took for granted our years of home schooling when the kids were around all the time and we had family time up the wazoo. In fact, I probably got tired of it! But now that we're past it, I'd do anything to have some of those times back. With John smack in the middle of high school and all that it entails (homework, sports, friends, activities, etc.), and Matthew playing baseball three to four nights a week, we just don't have family time anymore. Looking ahead to this week, it will be six nights until we're all home together again.

I know that this is a season of life; and I really do love seeing the young men that my boys are becoming. It's just that the reality of our new stage is hitting me hard these days. No one will ever again call me Mommy. The kids may want me around from time to time but they don't need me; they're self-sufficient. Pretty soon we're going to add girls into the picture. It's new and strange and I don't always like it.

So this year, I think I am extra thankful for the time that we had together over the Thanksgiving break. I cherished every minute of it. If you have older children, you know what I mean. If you have little ones, even though they may drive you nuts, enjoy every second; it passes so quickly.

School starts up again tomorrow; Matt has a lot of work to do and John is starting his second trimester so he'll have a whole new set of classes and teachers. December will be upon us in a few days and while we'll be celebrating the joyfulness of the season, it'll be easy to get caught up in the craziness that tends to invade our lives this time of year. I'm going to try not to; I'm really going to try to stay focused in the moment.

However, I do admit that a part of me is already looking forward to the Christmas break. I'll be keeping an eye out for ways to make the most of every precious minute of fun time that I have with my fellas!


Sooz said...

sigh. me too, back to work. Blech. All holidays should be 4 day weekends. Glad you all had a nice weekend. Try not to stress too much in the next few weeks. Take time to do the fun stuff.

LaDonnaWasHere said...

I hear you about the little ones. I find myself saying to parents of younger children, "Enjoy them while you can. It goes by so quickly." And they smile politely and nod but they don't know yet and I wish I could fast forward them through the later years so they could appreciate ALL the time they get. But aren't they fun as adults with real opinions?