Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Fairy Tale Life

Today I feel like Goldilocks.

I'm not having a problem with porridge, chairs or beds. The issue is with my pillow.

We were way overdue for new pillows; I'm pretty sure that my hubby's pillow was as flat as it could be and mine wasn't far behind. I got an ad in the mail the other day that Penny's was having a killer sale, so I went and purchased new pillows for the whole family. Unfortunately, I just can't seem to get mine right.

The first one that I got home was too small. I accidentally got a standard one instead of a queen. I promptly took that one back and purchased the appropriate size.

I then realized that the one I'd brought home was too hard. Now I know it said "firm" on the label, but I really did want some support so I thought that was the one to go with. It isn't. It is way too hard! There's no give in it at all; it holds my neck at a very awkward angle and makes my back hurt.

What next? Well, if "firm" isn't right, the next logical choice is "medium", right? Nope. I can't use that one...that one is way too soft and gives me no support whatsoever. My head just sinks!

Seriously, getting the right pillow shouldn't be this much work. I could take the Goldilocks approach; she ran down the stairs, opened the door, ran away into the woods and never returned. Somehow that doesn't seem like the best option though. I guess I'll keep looking for a pillow that works for me.


*emmy said...

That was a cute way to tell that story. Good luck on finding the right pillow = ) .

Thany said...

Ugh. I have been there. And there is nothing like waking up to curse your pillow.

What's the plan? You always have a plan.