I adore this picture, I really do.
I was blessed to have an absolutely amazing grandma. She was awesome! In this picture, she's letting me help her with her canning. It looks like it was green bean day.
While I don't (obviously) remember this exact day, I do remember many more like it. My grandma was an outstanding cook and no matter how little I was or what kind of a mess I made, she'd always pull up that chair and let me "help" at the kitchen sink. Sometimes I really helped; I'd rinse things, or as I got older, peel things. Sometimes I clearly remember just playing with the potato peels, carrot peels and egg shells. I'd "cook" while she was cooking.
As I got older, she really did teach me how to cook. Quite a few of the recipes that I use today aren't written down recipes, but learned recipes from my time spent with her.
I miss her terribly. I'm so thankful for pictures like these.

That's very sweet. I am glad you have all the memories too.
Aww, I LOVE flashback Fridays! Thanks for sharin'!
Wow, Michelle, you are so blessed to have had that with your grandma!
I never commented on this one because I wanted to write the right words.
Pictures of your grandma always are moving to me. She was a woman of great esteem who taught you (and me) how to be a wife and mother through her example. So pictures like this one drive that point home even more and encourage me to be to my family what she was to yours.
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