While looking through pictures for today's Flashback Friday, I was amazed at how many pictures there actually were. After several weeks of not being thrilled with my choices, I was quite pleased. I hope you don't mind, I'm posting several today.

Here we see three year old Michelle, sitting on the floor at Grandma's house, watching "The Wizard of Oz"for the first time. As the story goes, I never really got scared, but for most of the movie I sat like this; quite unsure of the whole thing.

This picture was taken a mere three days after I watched Wizard of Oz; my first big injury. Additionally, this is my first clear memory. I absolutely, 100% remember this day.
I was wearing my Wonder Woman Underoos, standing on the couch in our living room. My mom called me to breakfast and I jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen. Unfortunately, I took the corner a bit too wide and hit the corner where the two walls meet. Thee year old heads generally don't win against walls. You can still see the scar on my forehead.

I spent the summer surveying my kingdom. (With my neighbor, Kellie.)

Ah, Misty. This was our brief attempt at a black lab. I say brief because we only had her for a few months. According to my mom, she was just out of control; she made the Tasmanian Devil look calm, cool and collected. My parents were dog people, they'd always had dogs, so I don't think it was a problem on their part. I think Misty was just not the dog for us. I don't actually know what happened to her;I hope she found a good home.

The fall of 1978 found us at a family picnic down at the beach. I loved marshmellows, so I decided to try a pink one. (Remember the pastel colored ones?)

Apparently, I didn't like it much.
I had so much fun looking through pictures this week, I hope you enjoyed them too! Next Friday we'll meet the man I planned to marry, I'll go to the zoo, attend a wedding, and do some serious letter writing! Hope you'll join me!
I can see so much of John in you! Especially in the picture of the first injury!
The photo of you watching WOO I see Matthew.Ouch on the head, and the one photo of you not liking pink marshmallows? Yeah, I've seen you make that face.:)
That first injury was a doozy.
I loved the one of you about to go down the metal slide. Man they sure used to get hot!
Oh fun pictures! You look the same...only darker hair. I think you look like your dad...same eyes.
Have you been sending these to your mom? I really enjoy them.
Sooz is right, you look so much like your dad in these pictures.
And the metal slide? I was just telling someone about those giant rocket play things the other day.
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