Sunday, November 8, 2015

The One About John

I know I've kind of cheated with pictures these last few days.  Oh well, life is like that sometimes.  I'll start writing again tomorrow.  I just couldn't write posts about our weekend with Matthew without giving John a few minutes too...

Like I said last night, I am so thankful that the boys chose schools that are reasonable close to each other.  They're only about 100 miles apart, so whenever we are visiting one, we generally see the other as well.  As you know, we spent the weekend with Matthew, so today we drove up to see John.

My firstborn.
One who gives the best hugs ever.
A guy who would do anything for you.  
Someone who never lets life's curve balls get him down.
The one who just found out that he made the Dean's List last quarter.
And a guy who never turns down the Never Ending Pasta Bowl.
The first one to capture my heart completely nearly twenty years ago; one who will have it forever.  
My John.

Who doesn't love loading up on carbs at 11:00am?


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