That sweet ride that I mentioned in my 1991 post? Yep, it got popped. I was on my way home from work and a lady ran a red light and hit me. I spun around through the intersection, turned several circles and the slammed into the center divide a little ways down the road. It was quite the experience. Someone called the paramedics and they came and took me to the hospital in an ambulance (my first ride in one of those!), and by the time we got home from the hospital about 8 hours later, the lady that hit me had already called and reported it as a hit and run...that I hit her!

Lots of glass...

We brought home the parts that had fallen off...

Apparently I brought home some of the other lady's parts, too. She was driving a 4 Runner.

In June of 1992, I graduated from high school. Sigh. Don't know where all of the cap and gown pictures are. After the ceremony, we had a party at my grandma's house. These are my cousins. All three of them. No wait! I have four; one wasn't there.
Things to note about this picture:
1. I'm wearing a gold necklace that Grandma and Granddad gave me for my 16th birthday. Between the time I received it in 1991 and 2005(ish), I only took it off a handful of times. Even now, I probably wear it 90% of the time.
2. I have acrylic nails. Sometimes I miss them.
3. No, my legs aren't normally that shiny. I was wearing nylons. Remember those?
That's all I've got for '92. Thanks for checking in with me...I'll see you soon!
Please tell me that lady wasn't beleived...right? She got busted, right?
That was one bad car accident!! Oh how scary?? So what ever happened to that lying lady?!!
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